Board of Directors

The member of the board of directors of Changyou Alliance Group Limited are set out below:
Executive Directors
Mr. Cheng Jerome (Chairman)
Mr. Yuan Weitao
Non-executive Director
Mrs. Guo Yan
Independent Non-executive Director
Mr. Wong Chi Keung
Mr. Ip Wai Lun William
Mr. Chan Chi Keung, Alan
The board of directors has set up three committee.
The membership information of these committees on which each member of the board of directors serves are set out below:
Audit Committee
Mr. Wong Chi Keung (Chairman)
Mr. Ip Wai Lun William
Mr. Chan Chi Keung, Alan
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Ip Wai Lun William (Chairman)
Mr. Cheng Jerome
Mr. Wong Chi Keung
Nomination Committee
Mr. Cheng Jerome (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Chi Keung
Mr. Chan Chi Keung, Alan